$1,059,556 donated by 6576 people
1%$3,000,000Our Goal

Recent Donations

  • Anonymous - $100.00
    רחל לאה בת טובה חנה לזווג הגון ,חיים ברוך בן טובה חנה לזיווג הגון, זהבה יעל בת טובה חנה זרע של קיימא
  • Anonymous - $50.00
  • Francoise E Engel - $26.00
    In memory of Yehuda ben Israel V'Rachel
  • Anonymous - $25.00
  • Eden Mitrany - $18.00
    Ehyden Rachel b-t Sarah & Moshe Zev b-n Gruna Shimona - Parnasa b'revach, Yashrut, v'Kalut & Tinoket chadasha: Briah v'shleima v'Yofi
  • Eliana Marcus - $150.00
  • Sol and Debbie Genuth - $250.00
  • Rabbi BenTzion Welton - $18.00
    Rabbi Yehudah Leib Welton
  • Avrohom Kram - $54.00
  • Makis Tzioras - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $36.00
    Rena bas Sarah, Adina bas Sarah
  • Rosanne Bernstein - $18.00
    Eliezer Michoel bas Chana
  • Elliot Gottlieb - $36.00
  • Yehuda Zolty - $100.00
  • Donna GEffner - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Miriam pessa bas simma chaya
  • Marleen Berkowitz - $10.00
    Moishe Usher ben Rivka
  • Anonymous - $50.00
    Shimshon ben chaya reichel
  • Renee Silver Birthday Cherny - $18.00
  • DORIS GOLDSTEIN - $18.00
    Moshe aria ben Aidel Ita refuah shleima Devorah bas Chasha Guta health Aliza Tzippa bas Chaya Malkah shidduch Meira bas Frimit shidduch Shaindel bas Leeba Henna shidduch
  • Jonat Nevo - $54.00
  • Chaya Nevo - $100.00
  • Reuven loewi - $100.00
    Yocheved Bas Chaya Esther
  • Anonymous - $250.00
    Dan Balin z'l and Hedy Balin z'l
  • Lisa Shapiro - $72.00
    Jonathan, Lisa, Amy and Brynn Shapiro. Weisman Family. Shapiro Family
  • Anonymous - $216.00
    Sara bat Luba v'Baruch
  • Yitzchok Gottdiener - $100.00
    Shoshona bas Chana shidduch tov
  • michael Perlstein - $10.00
  • Leila Small - $36.00
    Omer Neutra
  • Goldie Rubin - $18.00
    גאלדה מרים בת חי קריינדל, שעיה הלל בן סלוה לאה, אסתר הדסה בת גאלדה מרים
  • Anonymous - $143.00
    Chaim Sasson refuah shelemah Sarah sasson zivug
  • Mordechai Pacifici - $18.00
  • Lori Friedman - $250.00
  • Anonymous - $25.00
  • yosef neuberger - $18.00
  • Sharon Schuster - $18.00
    Gavriel Aharon Ben Batsheva Yehudit
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Dror,Karin,tamari,noam,Adam,Sara,Estie,chananya,gavriel,shalava,all of Klal yisroel. We love you
  • Emanuel White - $18.00
    Ahuva bat Sarah imeinu
  • Fay Gordon - $18.00
  • Sara Ackermann - $18.00
  • Reuvain Levin - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $250.00
  • Stephen Kramer - $100.00
  • Anonymous - $250.00
    Mike Ben Sara
  • Maryanne Neiman - $18.00
    David Solomon Ben miriam Benjamin Ben michelle
  • Barbara Levin - $25.00
  • Anonymous - $50.00
    Dina bas Chaya Laya
  • rachel BORTMAN - $500.00
    Rivka bas frumet nucha
  • Aviva Skurowitz - $100.00
    L’aliyas Neshama L’avi mori, Meir ben Baruch, z’tl.
  • Jeanette Setton - $72.00
    Ralph ben shifra mazal
  • Varda Verstandig - $72.00
    Daniel tzvi Ben rifka , Yosef Meir Ben raizel
  • Chavie Aronowitz - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Avraham Eliyahu Ben feiga lerefuah
  • Sharon Duftler - $36.00
  • Yehudah & Shira Vorchheimer - $100.00
  • Benjamin Weinschneider - $36.00
    Eliezer Ben miriam raizel, Yaacov Shlomo Ben sara
  • Anonymous - $180.00
  • Edie Perew - $50.00
  • Robin and Gary Sillman - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $18.00
  • Talia Nissan - $36.00
    basya Kayla bas Amalia malka. Hadassa Chaya bas yocheved raitza.
  • sidney jakubovics - $36.00
  • Chani Kohn - $18.00
  • Yosef Rand - $10.00
  • Yehoshua Nisenbaum - $72.00
  • shoshnaa honikman - $18.00
    p. learning
  • Linda lev - $180.00
    sara bas malya yaffa, alta chaya bas malya yaffa lishiduchim. meir chaim ben esther lirifuah shileima
  • Anonymous - $36.00
    לע״נ רחל בת אברהם ע״ה
  • Ginger Michels - $25.00
    Tamar bat Ruth Tzipporah; Yehudit Zlota bas Chaika Sara; Laurie Rosenthal; Esther bas Chanah Genendel
  • Anonymous - $100.00
  • Laurie Howell - $36.00
    May The hostages come home
  • Anonymous - $10.00
  • Shmuel Kosman - $50.00
    Mordechai Yehuda Ben Moshe, Elazar Ahron ben Chaim Gedalya for parnassa
  • Anonymous - $36.00
  • Karol Rudnick - $134.00
We promised we wouldn’t ask you for money until Shmitah, but nobody expected this war. Israeli farmers are at risk of losing their land, their livelihood, and their prime positioning as our last physical border of defense against our enemies.
So many of our border farmers can’t access their land while others are out fighting. Even once the war ends, the damage won’t stop. Fields will still be destroyed, harvests ruined, and our farmers will face a long road to recovery.
Your donation to keep Israeli farms financially secure helps secure our borders, keep our brave, Shmitah-observant farmers from bankruptcy, and ensure the Israeli economy remains afloat during and after this critical time.
$3,000,000Our Goal$1,059,556Our Progress
Stand with our Farmers. Save their Farms.
Protect a Grapevine
Buy a Security Camera
Produce Packaging for a Day
Protect a Field for a Day
One New Hydroponic Machine
Monthly Water Bill for One Farm
Month Gas for One Farm
Laborers’ Salaries for Three Months
Cover All Operational Expenses for One Farm
Other amount

Split $ over months

$0.00 / mo
Personal Details
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Last name
Phone number
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Card number
Every dollar helps.
May Hashem reward you and your family for your generosity with years of hatzlacha and mazel in your business and personal life.

It is our most fervent hope that the next time we reach out to you for financial assistance, it will be to collect for a Shmitta year in peace in the Holy Land.


The Keren HaShviis Team