donated by 8224 people
1%$3,000,000Our Goal
Recent Donations
- Anonymous - $72.00
- Anonymous - $18.00
- Hadassah Rochwarger - $250.00
Mindel -s Peryl, Hadassah -s Peryl, Leah -s Peryl - Anonymous - $36.00
- Anonymous - $72.00
מיכאל בן חיה ויצחק שוורץ - Anonymous - $36.00
Naftoli Aharon ben Pessl, Ido ben Inbal, Yisroel ben Inbal Esther, Elozor Yonah ben Fradl - Daniel neustadt - $72.00
- Diana Ruchelman - $100.00
Yahrzeit Yehiel Itzak ben Shlomo Yacov - Sandra Leeberman - $10.00
yisrael yonatan ben sarah rachel (health) - jacob lomner - $25.00
- Anonymous - $100.00
- Anonymous - $18.00
- Martha Bockian - $250.00
Esther Bracha bat Cochava - Avraham Yitzchak Kruger - $18.00
- B Florans - $18.00
batsheva baila bas miriam l'shidduch b'karov minna aidela bas miriam l'zerah shel kayama - Elon Kohn - $72.00
- Zev Prescott - $30.00
- Debbie Striks - $72.00
Chaim Refael Ben Esther - Nachum Schwartz - $54.00
Elka bas shayna chaya (zivvug hagon), rachel bas rivka leah (refuah shelaimah) dina rochel bas shayna chaya (zivvug hagon) - Anonymous - $20.00
- Avrohom Rabinowitz - $18.00
- Avrohom Union - $36.00
- Vivienne Langsam - $1,000.00
- Anonymous - $10.00
Bracha bas Reisel - Miri Roberts - $18.00
soroh gittel bas toibe reizel, toiba gittel bas esta yuta, miriam merele bas leah, moishe ben leah, leah bas ayalla hindel - Chanan Kaufman - $18.00
- Anonymous - $26.00
Yehuda Itzchak ben Yael Sarah; - Anonymous - $72.00
Yehoshua Elchanan ben Chaya Sara. THANK YOU HASHEM!!!! - Yosef Asia - $100.00
- Anonymous - $36.00
Chana bas Liba - lir'fuas hanefesh ur'fuas haguf; Eliezer Moshe ben Liba - sheyachzor bis'shuva; Doniel ben Liba - lir'fuas hanefesh ur'fuas haguf - Chaya Rooz - $10.00
Yeshua Ilan yosef bn chaya pessel , refua rivka Leah bas chana - LEIBISH BERKOWITZ - $100.00
- Jonathan Grabel - $50.00
- Gittel Goetz - $50.00
Raizel frimet bas miriam - Anonymous - $18.00
Yeshua bekorov for Eliyahu Yehuda ben Yehudis Nechama - Roman Rozenberg - $36.00
- jonathan bezalel - $1.00
- Carole Wald - $50.00
- Chaim Dovid and Yocheved Lapidus - $100.00
בןציון שלמה בן אילה הינדה - Stanley and Renee Fishkind - $100.00
- Malky Grosskopf - $18.00
- Yehudis Fromowitz - $250.00
- Shea Trenk - $18.00
Bassheva bas Rochel - Belinda Elkaim - $54.00
Baila bat Naomi Nehama, David Shlomo ben Baila, Avraham Simcha Betzalel ben Esther Penina, Rivka Briendle bat Miriam Zipporah - Anonymous - $55.00
- Anonymous - $18.00
Tzvi Chaim ben Sara & Esther Risa bat Chaya - Yehuda and Raizy Gutwein - $100.00
yisroel reuven ben etya - Anonymous - $18.00
yosef binyamin ben brina, raizel yitta bas baila rivka - Anonymous - $10.00
- Yosef Cazes - $18.00
Lirfua shelema bekarov for Simcha Rut bat Gimol - Shimmy Braun - $100.00
שמעון בן עטיא חיה a good outcome for an upcoming surgery. - Bracha Polstein - $100.00
- Gwen Lange - $72.00
- Anonymous - $18.00
- Leah Schwartz - $18.00
- Anonymous - $101.00
- DeeDee Markowitz - $18.00
Michal bas Ilana finding her Shidduch and Mordechai Simcha Ben Chana Mina Refuah Shlaima - Arezou Saeedi - $250.00
- Lilli Applebaum - $18.00
Eliezer Ben Leah and Tzippora Miriam Bas Leah - Dalia Goldfarb-Waysman Hecht - $180.00
Dalia Goldfarb-Waysman Hecht - Anonymous - $18.00
Alex Nicole Stacey - Dina Scholar - $72.00
Shmuel Yosef ben Miriam Devorah, Michael Ben Sara - Christine Hanne - $250.00
- L D - $18.00
- Anonymous - $54.00
- Anonymous - $5.00
Shoshana Chava bat Rachel Dina - Judith Braun - $18.00
- Anonymous - $18.00
- Barbara Dweck - $13.00
batya bat sarah (nachat yehudit, hatzlacha, shidduch, health) - Marina Shostak - $72.00
Marina Shostak - nechama grosberg - $18.00
- Eliezer Gutwirth - $18.00
- יהודה אלון - $18.00
- Kenneth Charloff - $18.00
- Leah Willman - $18.00
Valerie Shoshana
$3,000,000Our Goal$1,228,719Our Progress
Every dollar helps.
May Hashem reward you and your family for your generosity with years
of hatzlacha and mazel in your business and personal life.
It is our most fervent hope that the next time we reach out to you for financial assistance, it will be to collect for a Shmitta year in peace in the Holy Land.
The Keren HaShviis Team
It is our most fervent hope that the next time we reach out to you for financial assistance, it will be to collect for a Shmitta year in peace in the Holy Land.
The Keren HaShviis Team