$600,921 donated by 3732 people
1%$1,000,000Our Goal

Recent Donations

  • Peter Lyman - $100.00
  • William Lieberman - $72.00
  • michael tabibian - $250.00
    Abraham tabibian
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    L'Iluy Nishmat Eliezer ben Shlomo
  • rachel mandel - $10.00
  • Sarah Corteen - $12.87
  • Warren Klein - $50.00
  • Dovid and Suri Nussbaum - $18.00
    lzchus Refuah Shelaima lehachayal Binyamin Ber ben Chana
  • Anonymous - $1.00
  • Anonymous - $10.00
    Chana Rachel bat Michal zivug hogun bkt
  • Elliot Lopian - $36.00
  • Menachem Karp - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $250.00
    Orlee Masha Gitta bat Ahava Aviva, Naama Tziona bat Ahava Aviva, Sarit Davida bat Rachel Zahava v'Adiv Yosef ben Rachel Zahava
  • Anonymous - $180.00
    In Memory of IDF Soldier Captain Roy Miller (Roy ben Avraham) and all the too many IDF soldiers who have lost their lives fighting for our Land.
  • Mali Grossman - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Sara Rochel bas Leah for a shidduch
  • Anonymous - $18.00
  • Ilana Mansoor - $18.00
    Yocheved Esther Bas Leah
  • Michal Ettelson - $100.00
  • Lorett Vigon - $18.00
    For peace????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  • Anonymous - $250.00
  • Donna Ettelson - $18.00
    David Chaim Ben Rochel
  • Anonymous - $100.00
  • Leah Kamravapour - $100.00
  • Anonymous - $36.00
    Yehoshua Heschel ben Sarah Braina
  • Mordechai Ouazane - $18.00
    MORDIKAHI OUAZANE Ben mnini ouazane ben khmimis ouazane
  • Anonymous - $1.00
    Shimon Meir Chaim Ben Shifra
  • Abraham Tabaroki - $100.00
  • Anonymous - $36.00
  • Anonymous - $72.00
    בתיה שושנה בת רבקה
  • Anonymous - $36.00
  • Hallie Bulkin - $100.00
    Ely Ben Chorin (IDF soldier)
  • Dovid and Yael Simpser - $1,000.00
    Chava bat Dalia Hinda. Shoshana Golda Bracha Bas Yael Rina.
  • Anonymous - $54.00
    Aytana Ahava bas Yiskah Bracha, Sara Vered bas Shoshana
  • Baruch Malchy - $22.00
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Tamar has Chana
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Bibas family
  • Anna Jacob - $250.00
    Chana Bas Malka
  • Anonymous - $100.00
  • Anonymous - $36.00
  • Annemarie Roth - $18.00
    Benyamin Ber ben Chana
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Dror ben Dorit (Or) Aviad Binyomin ben Shifra Sara
  • Anonymous - $18.00
    Chavah bas Miriam, Basya bas Miriam for a zivug kosher v’amity
  • Daniel Baybachayev - $100.00
    Nissim ben norbuvshi. Ester bat basanda
  • Rona Holzer - $100.00
  • Leah Weill - $500.00
    Blima rifka bas Leah Chaya shidduch hagun bkarov Mazal good Shoshana Roisa Shifra bas Leah Chaya shidduch hagun bkarov Mazal good health Rochel Naomi bas Leah Chaya shidduch hagun blaring Mazal good health. Leah Chaya bas Gitel refuah shleima bkarov good health shalom bayis nachas menuchas hanefesh Bezalel yonasan Ben Faiga liba yeshuos refuos Mazal nachas shalom bais good health menuchas hanefesh Refuah shleima lkol Cholei yisroel
  • shimon Gordon - $36.00
  • Sheldon Gorbacz - $180.00
  • Anonymous - $100.00
    Yitzchok shlomo ben perel lparnaasa tova Baila bas esther rochel bzera shel kayama
  • Jack Schranz - $5.00
  • Deb Levy - $36.00
    Debbie Levy
  • Anonymous - $72.00
    shira rose bat kalanit
  • Nilza Karl - $100.00
    Shidduch for Eli ben Rachel, refuah shleima for Alia Bat Rivka and goid gealth for Tzvi ben Chaba
  • Rachel Cohen - $18.00
    Sarah nechama bat Rachel teshuva vezivug hagun Yosef nisson ben Rachel zivug hagun
  • Dina Maydman - $100.00
    Theodore romanov Leah winograd
  • David Rosenberg - $54.00
  • Minya Firer - $100.00
    Minya Chanya bas Faiga Leaha
  • Ludmila Gorkina - $18.00
  • Anonymous - $100.00
    Milana bat Nina nekadam refua and Shalom bait, Oksana bat milana find her beshert and peace in her life
  • Tzvi Nof - $18.00
  • Michael Levine - $18.00
    Our Chevra group was in Tkuma three months before October 7. We are grateful Tkuma was spared and deeply mourn for the Israelis who've lost their lives on and since October 7.
  • Anonymous - $180.00
  • Edna Koy ghadosh - $26.00
    Hashem bless AM ISRAEL
  • Daniel Kleiman - $100.00
    DANIEL, Liliane, Ben & Susy
  • Anonymous - $250.00
    שלמה נן צלה
  • Anonymous - $100.00
  • Ruth Kronegold - $100.00
    Miriam chaya yenta bat rut leah and yehoshua heshel ben rivka
  • Cena Abergel - $72.00
  • Loretta Tahan - $180.00
    All Am Israel
  • Moshe Murray - $500.00
    Moshe ben Avraham; Michla Elka bas Yaakov; Mishpocha
  • Paul Brach - $10.00
  • Alan Berkowitz - $100.00
  • Anonymous - $100.00
    Alex Scott Molly Lucas Wanderman
  • C Ray - $54.00
    Nechama dina bas chaya fruma
  • Mark Smulevsky - $18.00
    Inna Shmulevsky
We promised we wouldn’t ask you for money for 7 years. Then October 7th happened. Israeli farmers are at risk of losing their land, their livelihood, and their prime positioning as our last physical border of defense against our enemies. So here we are again, turning to you to save more than just the observance of Shmitah.

Your donation to keep Israeli farms financially secure helps secure our borders, keep our brave, Shmitah-observant farmers from bankruptcy, and ensure the Israeli economy remains afloat.
$1,000,000Our Goal$600,921Our Progress
Stand with our Farmers. Save their Farms.
Protect a Grapevine
Buy a Security Camera
Produce Packaging for a Day
Protect a Field for a Day
One New Hydroponic Machine
Monthly Water Bill for One Farm
Month Gas for One Farm
Laborers’ Salaries for Three Months
Cover All Operational Expenses for One Farm
Other amount

Split $ over months

$0.00 / mo
Personal Details
First name
Last name
Phone number
Payment Details
Card number
Every dollar helps.
May Hashem reward you and your family for your generosity with years of hatzlacha and mazel in your business and personal life.

It is our most fervent hope that the next time we reach out to you for financial assistance, it will be to collect for a Shmitta year in peace in the Holy Land.


The Keren HaShviis Team